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Basic Obedience Program

* Heel

* Sit

* Sit Stay

* Formal Recall

* Come When Called

* Down

* Down Stay

* Optional "Pick-A-Trick" (just for fun)

  Choose from Sit Up, Roll Over, Crawl, Bow,    Back up, or Shake Hands

* This program includes the Behavior Modification Program at no additional charge.

* Training may begin with puppies as young as 8 weeks.

* No dog is ever "too old" to get started on training.

* Additional commands may be taught depending on a specific need of the dog or a specific       need of the owner.

* Length of Program: 6 - 8 weeks (there is no additional charge if we go a bit longer)

* Price for the Basic Obedience Program: $475

Multiple dogs signed up at the same time: First dog $475, additional dogs $225 each

* Types of payments accepted: Cash or check (payment plan available) 




Crate Training                 Housebreaking

Collar & lead breaking   Mouthing

Jumping on people        Begging for food

Jumping on furniture     Stealing

Pulling on the leash       Digging

Submissive urination     Excessive barking

Barging out the door      Drop it

Separation anxiety          Leave it

Resource guarding         Go to your place


 * This program is included at no extra charge when you sign up for the Basic Obedience                Program.

* Length of Program: 1 - 3 weeks

* Price for the Behavior Modification Program only (without obedience program): $275

Multiple dogs signed up at the same time: First dog $275, additional dogs $175 each

* Types of payment accepted:  Cash or check (payment plan available)

*** A one time behavior consultation (includes one follow-up visit if necessary): $150


* Refinement of the commands learned in         the Basic Obedience Program

* Gain more distance on stationary                     commands

* Transition into working off lead

* Sudden Sits and Downs

* Moving, "off the heel" sits

* Moving, "off the heel" downs * Separation of hand and voice signals for the commands Heel, Sit, Stay, Come, and Down              

* Your dog must go through, or have gone through and passed, a Basic Obedience Program         before signing up for the Advanced Obedience Program.

* Advanced Obedience does not include the Behavior Modification Program.

* Length of Program: 4 - 6 weeks

* Price for the Advanced Obedience Program: $300

Multiple dogs signed up at the same time: First dog $300, additional dogs $150

Types of payments accepted:  Cash or check (payment plan available)                           


* Evaluation of your dog

* Techniques for manual stacking a dog in the show ring

* Techniques for free stacking a dog in the show ring

* Techniques for showing a dogs bite to the judge

* Proper use of bait in the show ring

* Gait patterns used in the show ring

* Determine the proper speed for your particular dog

* What to wear and what not to wear in the show ring

* What to do and what not to do while in the show ring

* How to calculate points won at a dog show

* End the confusion on how a dog show works

* Length of Program: 4 - 6 weeks

* Price for the Conformation Handling Program: $250

Multiple dogs signed up at the same time: First dog $225, additional dogs $125

* ​Types of payment accepted:  Cash or check (payment plan available)


"You gave me the insight and skills that improved the communication between my dog and I and saved a relationship I had thought was beyond saving. Thanks to you we are now a great team." D. Acton

"Chris, you're a bottomless pit of patience!" M. Wright

"We were told by another trainer that our dog was "untrainable". Thanks to your gentle, fair, and firm when needed, approach to training, our dog is now a welcome member of our family." K. Morris

"Thank you for giving me (and my dog) the confidence to take those first steps into the show ring and for teaching me to teach my dog how to behave and look her best. It's been a lot of fun for both of us." A. Saenz

"I swear you can solve just about any problem. You turned my problem dogs into angels and taught me and my show dogs how to look great and do our best in the show ring. I greatly appreciate your help and honesty." W. Harris

"I'm so glad I didn't follow through with taking my dog to the shelter and instead turned around and called you! I'm thankful for all your help and patience!" S. Lawrence 

“We want to thank you for the wonderful training you did for us and our dog. We're so pleased that you were recommended to us. In our eyes your style of training is outstanding and we are deeply grateful. A true lifesaver!” K. Lashonse

"We started out with another trainer, but after 4 lessons we'd still gotten absolutely nowhere so we decided to call someone Your common sense approach to training and discipline was a perfect match for our dogs and we're so happy with their progress. Thank you so much for your help. D. Cary

"My wild Tasmanian Devil dog has turned into a lady! Awesome!!" S. Lipsett

DOG TRAINING                    IT'S FOR LIFE                  NOT JUST 8 WEEKS


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